Monday, July 13, 2009

Hey I´m sending a couple pictures this week. One is when we were riding the bikes, the other is just us in the pension. First of all, Happy Father´s Day to Dad. Yesterday was a good day. The Mission President went to our church yesterday and gave a talk. It was kind of ridiculous. Because of his talk, Sacrament Meeting ended up being an hour and forty minutes long. We had an investigator who has a 2 year old kid and the kid was going crazy because that is a really long time for a kid to be in Church. So our investigator was worrying about her kid the whole time and not really focusing on the Spirit of the meeting. It was kind of lame. This is President Morán´s last week as mission president. Next Sunday we´re going to have a big meeting with the entire mission as a last thing for President. And I bet that we´ll get to meet our new President there, even though his reign doesn´t officially start until July 1st. This year my birthday is going to be kind of weird. Although as a mission we´re going to the temple this week. And it just so happens that my zone is going on Friday. That will be cool. Last week when we found out that Elder Dickson was going to speak to us I had no idea who he was. And I looked in the Ensign and saw his picture, still had no idea. Then at the conference, when he walked into the room I realized that I had seen him before at Spencer´s ordination, and that he is related to Carl. But I didn´t talk to him or anything. Also Elder Oaks was here in Chile, but he didn´t talk to our mission. He gave a talk to all of the single adults in our area. Also, it started raining this week. It´s crazy. Santiago doesn´t have a drain system in the streets so the streets just flood. I got soaked. It rained for a day and a half straight. But it´s not supposed to rain until this weekend. That´s about it for this week. Talk to you later.

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