Monday, June 8, 2009

Hey, things are going good here in Chile. This week was kind of boring. None of our investigators went to Church this week so that was kind of lame. It´s really hard because we have to take a 20 minute bus to go to Church on Sunday, and that´s not including the waiting, because Chilean buses don´t have schedules. They just come when they come. And we live closer to the Church than any of our investigators. So it´s hard for them. But everything else is going good here. My companion is pretty cool. We´re having fun. A lot more fun than last change. My last companion never talked, not just in the lessons, but he wouldn´t really talk to me either. Everything´s going good. Not much to report on this week. Talk to you later.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Hey, things are going good here in Chile. We had changes today, I am staying in the same area but I got a new companion. His name is Elder Woodfield, and this is his third change. This week was pretty good. I ran over some glass and popped my back tire, so we had to take a bus into the city to buy some patches and stuff to fix it. That was pretty lame. Also, some guy with a back hoe accidentally broke the water line to our house so we didn´t have water for two days. But now it´s all good. Other than that nothing too exciting happened this week. Oh yeah, actually something pretty exciting. I saw someone get hit by a car here in Chile. It was totally the pedestrians fault for jaywalking. The person didn´t die or anything, but it was a pretty good hit. Anyway, that´s about all that has been happening around here lately. Tell Dad to get his line of authority, so I can get my line of authority. Also, everybody asks if I have pictures of my family and I don´t have any. So could you send me some pictures, not e-mailed pictures, but real pictures. They don´t all have to be new, just some pictures of the family. Thanks.